Journal of Biology ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 116-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.05.116

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Teaching reform and practice of veterinary microbiology experiment in application-oriented university

XIA Lunbin, CHEN Cunwu, ZHANG Xia,BI Shaoshuai, CHEN Naifu   

  1. 皖西学院 生物与制药工程学院, 六安 237012
  • Online:2023-10-18 Published:2023-10-17

Abstract: Based on the existing deficiencies in the experimental teaching of veterinary microbiology and the research results of the job skills requirements of employers, the course team carried out teaching reform of veterinary microbiology experiments. First of all, by adjusting and optimizing the experiment content, it not only strengthened students’ grasp of basic experimental skills, but also paid more attention on the cultivation of comprehensive application ability. Secondly, the original single indoctrination teaching method was changed, and the internet mobile terminal and rain classroom auxiliary teaching platform were used to realize integrated teaching methods such as online and offline mixed classroom and flipped classroom. Furthermore, the evaluation method was optimized and the multi-element evaluation system was constructed to transform students from passive participants into the leader of the experiment. After more than 3 years of teaching practice, compared with that of the previous experimental teaching, the students’ initiative of participating in experiments and learning interest have been improved, the effect of learning was significant, improving their application and innovation abilities.

Key words: veterinary microbiology, experimental course, teaching reform, application-oriented university, practice teaching

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