Journal of Biology ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 120-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2022.03.120

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The application of problem oriented and project based learning on the teaching reform of experimental course of microbiology


  1. College of Biochemical Engineering, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100191, China
  • Online:2022-06-18 Published:2022-06-17

Abstract: To improve the teaching effect of graduate experimental course of microbiology, the teaching pattern of problem oriented and project based learning (POPBL) was applied in the teaching process. The research project “isolation and screening of α-amylase producing strain, mutation, optimization of fermentation conditions and product purification” was raised and segmented. The students were guided to think about the scientific problems of it, consulted literatures, proposed own research plans and made presentations and discussions. Then related research activities were carried out and the students should summarize the results and give completed research report. In addition, more scientific evaluation methods about the course involving scheme design, experimental operation, experiment report and so on were presented. Practices showed that the above methods could inspire students’ enthusiasm and initiative and improve the science literacy, providing some support for their future development in the relevant field. Meanwhile teachers also need to pay attention to students and provide support at the right moment in order to complete the teaching activities more efficiently.

Key words: POPBL, microbiology, experimental teaching, teaching reform, graduate education

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