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    18 February 2023, Volume 40 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Retrospect of 100-year research of collagen and prospect
    ZHANG Guifeng, GAO Jianping, XU Liming, LUO Xi, ZHAO Lingyun
    2023, 40 (1):  1.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.001
    Abstract ( 426 )   PDF   Save
    Collagen, a major component of the extracellular matrix, is the most abundant protein in vertebrates. The history of collagen research is inextricably linked to the process of understanding the nature of life, which has taken centuries to establish from the fiber theory to cell theory. Over the past hundred years, the application of collagen has gradually expanded from leather preparation and adhesives to food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, biomaterials. In recent years, it has expanded to tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and stem cell targeted transformation. The history of collagen research, the scope of application, the application of related technologies, and the milestones or results achieved were reviewed in the light of the available literature reports and related research experiences. The aim was to provide researchers in the field of collagen with the latest trends in collagen research, so that they can fully understand the relationship between technological advances and scientific research, while helping to promote the intersection and integration of different research fields.
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    Quantitative analysis of denatured collagen based on pepsin tolerance
    CHEN Liyuan, LIANG Xing, PENG Qihui, LI Yiheng, YE Chunting, XU Liming
    2023, 40 (1):  16.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.009
    Abstract ( 272 )   PDF   Save
    To establish a quantitative method for denatured collagen based on protease tolerance of collagen, 6 groups of denatured/non-denatured collagen samples with known content ratios were prepared,then pepsin was added in the mass ratio of 1∶5 to liquid collagen at pH value of about 2.0, the denatured collagen in the samples was digested at 30 ℃ for 24 h. The non-denatured collagen was recovered by adding sodium chloride solution with final concentration of 2 mol/L. Result showed that the recovery rates of non-denatured collagen in the 6 groups of samples were 89.96%-99.24%, indicating that this method could be used to quantitatively analyze the content ratio of denatured collagen in liquid or sponge, powder and other acid soluble collagen-based raw materials and products.
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    Recent progress in repairing photoaged skin with collagen peptide
    YIN Cuiyuan, LIU Lu, HE Linlin
    2023, 40 (1):  9.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.014
    Abstract ( 531 )   PDF   Save
    The repair effects of collagen peptide (CP) on photoaged skin were introduced from three aspects: in vivo animal trials, in vivo clinical trials and in vitro cell trials. The effects of CP on extracellular matrix components and antioxidant indexes of mice dorsal skin under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation were analyzed from in vivo animal trials and the effects of CP on repairing photoaged skin by inhibiting the decrease of collagen and hyaluronic acid contents in mouse skin under UV irradiation were summarized. It was discussed that CP could promote collagen synthesis and inhibit collagen degradation respectively by inhibiting the abnormal changes of antioxidant indexes, the mechanism of CP repairing photoaged mouse skin was elucidated. The effects of oral CP on female skin hydration and collagen content were analyzed from in vivo clinical trials, and it was concluded that the effects of CP on repairing photoaged skin were through inhibiting the decrease of hydration and collagen content in the skin of female under UV irradiation. It was concluded that skin photoaging was closely related to the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) signaling pathway and the inhibition of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling pathway from in vitro cell trials and signaling pathway levels, and that CP could also dose-dependently promote the proliferation, migration and adhesion of skin fibroblasts under UV irradiation, thus increasing cell viability and accelerating wound healing. It was also discussed that the mechanism of CP repairing photoaged skin fibroblastswas through inhibiting the activation of MAPK signaling pathway and the weakening of TGF-β signaling pathway in skin fibroblasts under UV irradiation.
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    Poly acidic amino acids sequence drives variation of protein in hydrodynamic properties
    LI Yafei, WU Shenyang, CHU Wendan, ZHOU Cuiyan, SHI Qinghua, LI Wenqi
    2023, 40 (1):  21.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.021
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF   Save
    选取碳末端富含酸性氨基酸的拟南芥 SnRK2.6(sucrose non-fermenting1-related protein kinase 2.6)和人源PDI(protein disulfide isomerase),以及近球形蛋白拟南芥 PYL10 (PYR like protein 10),分别将重复酸性氨基酸序列添加到SnRK2.6(1-332)、PDI(1-440)、PYL10碳末端,利用大肠杆菌BL21重组表达,经过亲和层析,离子交换层析和分子排阻层析进行纯化,综合利用分析超速离心技术,分子排阻层析技术以及多角度静态光散射技术,研究人为设计的多聚氨基酸末端对蛋白质分子排阻行为,聚合状态和其他水力学性质的影响。结果发现,多聚酸性氨基酸末端虽不影响蛋白质分子的聚合状态,但会明显减少分子排阻色谱中蛋白质的洗脱体积,影响蛋白质分子的斯托克斯半径和轴长比等水力学性质。
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    Random mutation incorporation and directional screening of important functional segments of laccase LAC1 gene in white-rot fungus
    LI Xiaotong, XIAO Junhua, LI Kai, ZHOU Yuxun
    2023, 40 (1):  27.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.027
    Abstract ( 259 )   PDF   Save
    In order to improve protein yield, laccase gene LAC1 was optimized by codon, and pET-32a(+)-LAC1 recombinant vector was constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The enzyme properties showed that the molecular weight of the target laccase protein was about 65 ku, and its activity was stable below 55 ℃ and pH 3.5-5.0. 5 mmol/L Ca2+, Cu2+, Mg2+ promoted the activity of the recombinant laccase, and the specific activity of the recombinant laccase was 32.3 U/mg after purification by nickel column. By analyzing the structure and active center of recombinant LAC1 laccase, the gene sequence was compared with that of other fungal laccase sequences, and the difference section was found. For this section, random mutation was introduced during the chemical synthesis of DNA fragments, and the random mutation library was constructed and the library capacity was measured. A mutant with enzyme activity enhancement was obtained by batch screening, and its three-dimensional structure was predicted by homologous modeling. The results showed that four amino acids of the mutated enzyme were changed and the enzyme activity was greatly increased by 2.3 times.
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    Genome sequencing and analysis of a highly efficient  oil-degrading bacterium Falsochrobactrum TDYN1
    CHEN Guanyi, CHEN Hongyun, LI Gaoyuan, HU Mengjie, LI Xinhao, ZHONG Lei
    2023, 40 (1):  34.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.034
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF   Save
    Falsochrobactrum TDYN1 was isolated from the Dagang oilfield in Tianjin. Based on lllumina Hiseq2000, the most widely used second-generation sequencing platform, TDYN1 was de novo sequenced. The basic function of GO, KEGG, COG, NR and Swiss-Prot databases was annotated. The results indicated that the size of the TDYN1 genome was 3076677 bp with 23 Scaffolds, and an average of GC content at 55.96%, and 3465 genes were successfully predicted, which 1689, 1946, 2998, 2513, 2841 and 3197 genes could be matched with annotation information in the GO, KEGG, COG, Swiss-Prot and NR databases respectively. At the same time, it was predicted that TDYN1 had pathways related to petroleum hydrocarbon metabolism, and the ability to degrade dioxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and so on. Genome sequencing and analysis of TDYN1 laid an important basis for further research on the mechanism and application of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation of TDYN1, and provided theoretical data for the production of functional bacteria.
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    Impact of gene mutation of the rRNA methyltransferase LmrB on the lincomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces lincolnensis #br#
    XU Yurong, XU Wanlian, XU Jingjing, ZHAO Ming, GAO Liang, WU Hang
    2023, 40 (1):  40.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.040
    Abstract ( 157 )   PDF   Save
    In order to explore the resistance function and the effect on lincomycin production of lmrB gene in Streptomyces lincolnensis NRRL2936 and LC-G,the lmrB gene from two different strains was ligated to different expression vectors pET28a and pIB139. The resistance test was carried out in E.coli BL21 and Streptomyces lividans TK24, respectively. lmrB gene in NRRL2936 and LC-G was respectively deleted by homologous recombination, and was over expressed in LC-G.The lincomycin production of S. lincolnensis and its derivatives was detected by HPLC. The results showed that although the length of LC-G-B gene fragment was shorter than that of 2936-B, LC-G-B did not lose its function, and the resistance of 2936-B to lincomycin was significantly higher than that of LC-G-B in E. coli and S.lividans. Meanwhile, the lincomycin yield of lmrB deletion mutant △lmrB was about 40% lower than that of NRRL2936. With the deletion of lmrB gene in LC-G, the yield of lincomycin was decreased by about 30%.The introduction of lmrB from NRRL 2936 into high-yield strain LC-G can significantly improve the yield of lincomycin.
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    Genetic diversity analysis and DNA fingerprint profile construction of major Japonica (Glutinous) rice varieties in Anhui Province
    ZHOU Ran, GAN Quan, LIN Cuixiang, SONG Fengshun, WU Dexiang, NI Dahu
    2023, 40 (1):  46.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.046
    Abstract ( 132 )   PDF   Save
    Twenty-one japonica (glutinous) rice varieties, which have been mainly planted in Anhui Province in recent years, were used as materials for polymorphism analysis according to the national standard (NY/T 1433—2014). Among the 48 SSR markers, 21 primers exhibited polymorphic between 21 materials, and a total of 59 alleles were detected, with an average of 2.81 per marker. The genetic diversity analysis showed that the variation of Shannon’s diversity index ranged from 0.199 to 1.163, with a mean value of 0.657; the variation of Nei’s index ranged from 0.095 to 0.620, with a mean value of 0.390. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.091 to 0.549,with a mean value of 0.331. There were some genetic differences among the 21 varieties.But, the observed number of alleles, Shannon’s index and Nei’s index, were low, indicating that the genetic background of the 21 varieties was narrow. The genetic similarity coefficients ranged from 0.426 to 0.954. The 21 varieties could be classified at 0.62 into five taxa. Based on the PIC and MI values of the markers, the polymorphic markers were further simplified and the standard fingerprint profiles of 21 japonica (glutinous) rice materials with 7 core SSR markers were constructed, which were prepared the ground for variety authenticity test, purity identification and core germplasm purification.
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    Comparison of codon preference patterns in the chloroplast genome of Pinus densata
    LI Jiangfei, LI Yaqi, TANG Junrong, CHEN Shi, CHEN Lin, CAI Nianhui, XU Yulan, TANG Hongyan
    2023, 40 (1):  52.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.052
    Abstract ( 147 )   PDF   Save
    To understand the pattern of codon preference used in the chloroplast genome of Pinus densata, the factors that influence the formation of codon preference were explored. Methods such as neutral mapping analysis, ENC-plot, PR2-plot analysis, and correspondence analysis were performed using CodonW and CUSP online software. The results showed that the average GC content of chloroplast codons in P. densata was 39.84%, and the contents of GC1and GC2were 48.81% and 40.70%, respectively, which were higher than GC3(30.52%), indicating that their chloroplast genome codon endings preferred to end with A and U. The mean value of effective codon number ENC was 48.77, indicating a weak codon preference. Results of the neutral plot analysis, ENC-plot analysis, and PR2-plot bias analysis showed that selection pressure was the main factor influencing the codon preference of P. densata, followed by a combination of factors such as mutations. Further correspondence analysis revealed that axis 1 accounted for 21.18% of the overall variation and was the main influencing factor, which was not correlated with ENC and GC3, but was significantly correlated with CAI. The results of these analyses indicated that natural selection was the main influencing factor on chloroplast codon preference in P. densata, and was also influenced by other factors; 15 codons were identified as optimal codons, showing a strong preference for NNA and NNU codons with high representation. This study provided basic information for future genetic engineering of P. densata chloroplasts, codon optimization, improving the expression level of exogenous genes and the yield and quality of alpine pine seeds.
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    Effect of sustained salt stress on the growth of desert Chlorella
    LI Hong, TAN Jun, MU Yun, GAO Jianfeng
    2023, 40 (1):  60.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.060
    Abstract ( 164 )   PDF   Save
    To explore the effects of continuous salt stress on the growth of four strains of desert Chlorellas TLD2A1, TLD6B, GTD7c-2 and TGD8A1 under different salt stress levels, the parameters of OD680, lethality, biomass, and specific growth rate of four strains of desert Chlorella were performed under different NaCl addition and different stress time.Chlorella with significant response to sustained salt stress was selected, and the gradient of NaCl addition was optimized. The results showed that, except for the increase in biomass under salt stress with the addition of 0.2 mol/L NaCl, the inhibition degree of OD680 value, biomass, and specific growth rate of the four Chlorella strains gradually increased and the lethal rate gradually increased as the increase of NaCl addition.With the extension of stress time, OD680 value, lethality and biomass gradually increased, and the specific growth rate first increased and then decreased.In general, GTD7c-2 was salt-tolerant, GTD8A1 grew unstable after salt stress, TLD2A1 was the least salt-tolerant, and TLD6B responsed most significantly to salt stress.
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    Effects of copper stress on seed germination and seedling growth of Impatiens uliginosa
    ZHU Jiapeng, LUO Chao, LI Yang, LI Qinmei, ZHAO Qiuyan, WANG Qiong, HUANG Meijuan, HUANG Haiquan
    2023, 40 (1):  64.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.064
    Abstract ( 160 )   PDF   Save
    In order to investigate the effects of copper on seed germination and seedling growth of I. uliginosa, a common native aquatic plant in Yunnan was used as material in this study. The seeds and seedlings were treated with 5 different concentrations of copper (0, 2.5, 5, 10 and 15 mg/L) respectively, the germination rate, germination potential, germination index, vigor index and water absorption characteristics of the seeds as well as the seedling height, root length and stem diameter were determined. The results showed that the seed germination of I. uliginosa had a phenomenon of low promotion and high inhibition with the increase of copper concentration. When the copper concentration was 5 mg/L, the seed germination reached the highest and the germination rate, germination potential and germination index increased by 8.89%, 12.22% and 6.44 compared with that of CK respectively. When the concentration of copper was more than 10 mg/L, the germination indexes of seeds decreased gradually, and the high concentration of copper could stop the germination activity 2 days earlier. Within 48 h of copper stress, the water absorption germination activity of I. uliginosa seeds showed a “fast-slow-fast” trend with time. In addition, the seedlings were sensitive to copper stress. When the copper stress concentration was more than 5 mg/L, the growth and development of the seedlings were significantly inhibited.
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    Genetic diversity analysis of Corbicula fluminea in the Tai Lake based on mitochondrial COI and Cytb gene sequences
    LI Daming, LIU Yang, LIU Yanshan, TANG Shengkai, GU Xiankun, YIN Jiawen, JIANG Qicheng, ZHANG Tongqing
    2023, 40 (1):  69.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.069
    Abstract ( 199 )   PDF   Save
    The mitochondrial COI and Cytb partial gene sequences were used as molecular markers to analyze and evaluate the genetic diversity of Corbicula fluminea in the Tai Lake. The 614 bp-COI and 621 bp-Cytb gene sequences were obtained from 40 individuals of C. fluminea by PCR amplification and sequencing. Meanwhile, the content of A+T was much higher than that of G+C in both COI and Cytb sequences indicated that there was obvious bias for base composition. 19 variable sites were detected and 14 haplotypes were defined in COI sequences, the average haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were 0.851±0.04 and 0.00745±0.00081, respectively, the average number of nucleotide differences was 4.572, and the genetic distance among haplotypes ranged from 0.002 to 0.020. 19 variable sites were detected and 17 haplotypes were defined in Cytb sequences, the average haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were 0.896±0.028 and 0.00510±0.00051, respectively, the average number of nucleotide differences was 3.167, and the genetic distance among haplotypes ranged from 0.002 to 0.013. Therefore, the genetic diversity of C. fluminea showed high haplotype diversity and high nucleotide diversity pattern. The Tajima’s D and Fu’s Fs values of C. fluminea were negative but no significantly different, and mismatch distribution analysis showed a multiple type, indicating that C. flumineain the Tai Lake had remained relatively stable and had not experienced population expansion in the history. The present results provided scientific information for conservation and sustainable utilization of C. fluminea germplasm resources in Tai Lake.
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    Development of a universal RT-PCR method for detection of β coronaviruses and investigation of the virus carriage in animals in Kunming area
    DENG Yanqiong, LI Defan, LI Xiaohong, SONG Chunlian, SHU Xianghua, QI Xiaopeng, CHEN Peifu
    2023, 40 (1):  74.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.074
    Abstract ( 132 )   PDF   Save
    For investigation of the status of β coronaviruses carriage by swine, cattle and murine in Kunming area and the possibility of these animals acting as intermediate host for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2, a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detection method based on RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of the β-coronavirus genus was built and then used to examine β-coronavirus nucleic acid in pigs (n=186) and cattle (n=164) that displayed respiratory or digestive symptoms and randomly captured mice (n=140) from nine counties in Kunming area in 2020 to 2021. RdRp-positive samples were further subjected to amplification with the primers specific for the spike protein (S) genes of SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. The developed RT-PCR method could be employed for specific amplification of all species within the β-coronavirus genus but not non-β-coronaviruses as well as other viruses and reached a minimum detection limit of 310 copies of plasmid bearing the RdRp gene of the SARS-CoV-2. Among the 490 samples analyzed using this method, there was a detection rate of 5.91%, 9.76% and 8.57% for β-coronaviruses in pigs, cattle and mice, respectively. However, no nucleic acid fragment homologous to the S genes of the SARS-CoVs was detected when these RdRp-positive samples were further amplified. The results showed that a universal RT-PCR method suitable for specific detection of the β-coronavirus genus had been successfully established in this study and that no coronaviruses related to the S genes of the SARS-CoVs were detected when this method was used in combination with amplification of the S genes to pigs, cattle and mice in Kunming area.
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    Correlation analysis of phytoplankton community and water quality factors in Chaohu Lake
    WU Zhuanzhang, ZHU Chao, TANG Ping, YANG Xiaoran, WANG Huan, ZHANG Fuhai
    2023, 40 (1):  79.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.079
    Abstract ( 152 )   PDF   Save
    Based on the water quality monitoring data and phytoplankton survey data of 8 state-controlled monitoring points in Chaohu Lake in October 2019,May and October 2020, the diversity index of phytoplankton community structure in Chaohu Lake was analyzed, and the Pearson correlation analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA) of phytoplankton and environmental factors were carried out. The results showed that 41 genera and 61 species of phytoplankton were identified, among which the species of Chlorophyta were the most, followed by Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyta. Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index and Margalef richness index in Chaohu Lake had the same change trend and gradually increased with time, indicating that the phytoplankton community structure in the water body was becoming more and more stable, and the water body gradually transited from medium pollution to light pollution. From the phytoplankton community structure and comprehensive trophic state index, the water body of Chaohu Lake was slightly eutrophic. Pearson correlation analysis and redundancy analysis showed that pH value, total nitrogen, transparency and dissolved oxygen were the main factors affecting the phytoplankton community structure in Chaohu Lake. These results could provide a reference for the environmental management of Chaohu Lake.
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    Analysis and evaluation of water quality of aquaculture tail water of Chaohu Lake basin
    YANG Kun, HU Xingming, LU Wenxuan
    2023, 40 (1):  85.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.085
    Abstract ( 174 )   PDF   Save
    In order to find out the status for pollution from aquaculture tail water in the Chaohu Lake Basin,the water quality of the aquaculture tail water of several major freshwater species in the basin was monitored in April, July, September and November 2019. The dynamic changes of physical and chemical factors of the water bodies were analyzed. The single-factor pollution index method was employed for individual evaluation of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), ammonia nitrogen (NH+4-N), and permanganate index (CODMn), and the Nemerow pollution index method was applied for overall evaluation on the water quality of each monitoring site.The results showed that the contents of pH, TN and TP were in line with the Level II standard of stipulated in the Freshwater Pond Aquaculture Water Discharge Requirements, and the contents of DO, NH+4-N and CODMn exceeded the standards in some sites. The results of single-factor pollution index analysis showed that the tail water was not polluted by pH, TN and TP. The proportions of monitoring sites with pollution factor of DO, NH+4-N and CODMnwere 12.5% , 25.0% and 87.5% respectively. The results of Nemerow pollution index calculation showed that 75% monitoring sites were at the slightly or moderately polluted level.The main pollutants of aquaculture tail water in Chaohu Lake Basin was CODMn. The pollution status was serious.
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    Research progress on nitrogen metabolism characteristics of heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification bacteria
    HUANG Shiwei, TIAN Yun, MA Shu, LU Xiangyang
    2023, 40 (1):  91.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.091
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    The related reports of HN-AD bacteria in recent 40 years were reviewed. The types of HN-AD bacteria, common application and nitrogen removal effect, nitrogen metabolism pathways, key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism and common influencing factors of nitrogen metabolism process of HN-AD bacteria were expounded, in order to provide theoretical basis for mining more efficient HN-AD bacteria and applying them in practical wastewater treatment. At present, most of the application research on HN-AD bacteria were in laboratory, the research on the nitrogen removal molecular mechanism is still not enough in-depth. In the future, the role of key enzyme-coding genes in the nitrogen metabolism process of strains can be further clarified by means of gene knockout, and efficient nitrogen removal engineering bacteria can be constructed by means of gene recombination or somatic cell fusion to cope with more complex wastewater environment.
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    Research progress of algae removal technology and new algae suppression materials in water purification plants
    XUE Shuxin, TANG Biao, DONG Zezhang, CAO Jingguo
    2023, 40 (1):  98.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.098
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    Focused on the problem of algae removal in water purification plants, the research progress of cyanobacteria treatment technology in water purification plants was summarized. The characteristics and application bottlenecks of existing processes were introduced. It analyzed the characteristics and existing problems of various technologies, new algae inhabitation materials which would make reference for the water safety of drinking water plants and development of new purification technology.
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    The diversity and consistency of the evolution of the eyes
    CHEN Chufeng, YAO Hongyan
    2023, 40 (1):  104.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.104
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    The evolution of eyes in different phyla from the structure and gene level was studied. The structure, function and further evolution of the primitive eye shared by different phyla were also discussed. Based on the idea of natural selection, it cascaded the eye structure of arthropoda, mollusca and chordate, which have the most prominent eye structure, to reveal the evolution process of the eye from the primitive structure to the complex structure and possible promoting factors. Focusing on the functions as well as the advantages and disadvantages of different eyes, the diversity and the convergence of eye structure in different phyla were analyzed. The possible causes of diversity and convergence were explained. This study revealed the basic logic of biological evolution and provided a new research idea for evolutionary research.
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    Rapid visual detection of nitrate by ratiometric fluorescent sensor
    TAO Huihui, LI Yucheng, ZHANG Zhao, XU Shihao, LI Lingfei, CAO Qiao
    2023, 40 (1):  112.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.112
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    One Au NCs/blue carbon dots-based ratiometric fluorescent probe, which was synthesized by a simple and low-cost method, was developed to detect NO-2rapidly and visually. The red fluorescence of Au NCs can be quenched by NO-2sensitively and selectively, while the fluorescence of BCDs acting as background reference, remained blue. The probe showed colour changes from red to blue under ultraviolet in response to NO-2. By studying the response time of the ratiometric fluorescence probe, the reaction system could complete the reaction within 2 minutes. The fluorescence intensity ratio of the ratiometric fluorescent probe had a good linear relationship with NO-2concentration in the range of 75-200 μmol/L with a detection limit (LOD) as low as 0.8 μmol/L. NO-3was reduced to NO-2with vanadium ion as reducing agent, and the reduction rate can reach more than 90%. Therefore, NO-3concentration was detected by ratiometric fluorescent probe indirectly, with a detection limit of 0.6 μmol/L. The method was applied to the determination of NO-3in water and soil samples, and the spiked recovery rate was between 94.7%-104.51%. The measured results were basically consistent with the spectrophotometric method, which realized the rapid, sensitive and accurate detection of NO-3. Based on this, a fluorescent test paper has been constructed and it showed high selectivity and sensitivity to NO-2. The fluorescent test paper not only extraordinarily improved the detection efficiency, but also cut down its cost. The feasibility of rapid semi-quantitative detection of NO-3in real samples by fluorescent test paper was proved by experiments.
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    Exploration and practice of improving the quality of genetics experiment course in universities #br#
    ZHU Chunfeng, YANG Liu, ZHANG Yinxing, GONG Xiaoqun
    2023, 40 (1):  118.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.118
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    Taking genetics experiment course as an example,according to the law of students’ cognitive development,through optimizing the curriculum design, the contents of the course are divided into four modules: laboratory safety education and basic experimental operation, verification experiment, comprehensive experiment, design or open experiment.On the basis of classical experiments, the frontier, integrate new technologies and new methods were focused combining with experimental design links.The second classroom was actively carried out to expand students’ horizons. The innovated teaching method, the enrich teaching method and the course ideological and political education were run throughout, so as to boost the construction of “double first-class”.
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    Design and exploration of a genetic experiment based on transposable mutation
    LI Nan, LI Yunfeng, GUO Haibin, LI Yajuan, XU Ke, LIU Ziqiang
    2023, 40 (1):  123.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.123
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    Transposable insertion mutantmf1shows more than two florets in one spikelet. Taking this mutant material as the starting point, a comprehensive genetic experiment was designed by combining the experimental contents of observation of rice young panicle differentiation and development, examination of spikelet morphological structure, genetic analysis and PCR detection. Through the integration of online virtual simulation experiment and offline practical learning, students can more intuitively understand the process of rice young panicle differentiation and development, comprehend the concept and application of transposable factors, clarify the relationship between wild type and mutant and between phenotype and genotype, and learn techniques and methods of plant microsection, PCR detection and variance analysis. The implementation of the experiment has important practical significance for cultivating students’ comprehensive application ability of multi-disciplinary knowledge and scientific research ability.
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    Design and practice of innovative skills training for animal genetics and breeding in breeding revitalization project #br#
    XU Qi, CHEN Yang, ZHANG Yu, ZHANG Yang, CHANG Guobin, LI Bichun, CHEN Guohong
    2023, 40 (1):  127.  doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2023.01.127
    Abstract ( 143 )   PDF   Save
    With the implementation of national strategy of modern breeding project, it has become an inevitable trend for colleges and universities to carry out innovative skills training in animal genetics and breeding courses. The necessity of innovative skills training in animal genetics and breeding was clarified, and the learning mode of Innovative Quality Shaping and Project Task-Driven was proposed. Also, the special training was carried out from modules, such as the selection method of unmeasured traits in vivo to breeding, molecular detection of chicken dominant/recessivewhite feather, somatic cell and gamete cryopreservation, transgenic cloned animal production. The innovative skills training could improve students’ desire for innovation, creative thinking and practical innovation ability, which might meet the needs of livestock breeding talent demand for the breeding revitalization in our country.
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