Journal of Biology ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 118-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-1736.2024.04.118

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Design of the comprehensive experiment “the effects of preparation methods on the properties of microbial polysaccharides”based on task-driving model

LI Hui1, WANG Jiqian1, JI Sixue1, ZHAO Yurong1, MA Shaohua2, CHEN Cuixia1   

  1. 1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao,
    266580, China; 2. China Petroleum Industry Training Center, China University of Petroleum (East China),
    Qingdao 266580, China
  • Online:2024-08-18 Published:2024-08-14

Abstract: Based on the concept of “integration of science and education” and “outcome based education (OBE)”, the frontier scientific and technological achievements in the field of biochemistry were introduced into teaching experiments to cultivate students’ scientific research and innovation quality. The scientific research project “the effects of preparation methods on the properties of microbial polysaccharides” was introduced through the whole teaching process. Firstly, the students were guided to retrieve the literature and discuss the hot issues of “the development of a new type of environmentally friendly oil-displacing agent that was resistant to temperature and salt” to broaden their professional vision and cultivate their literature retrieving ability. Secondly, students were encouraged to design individualized experimental schemes according to their own knowledge system to cultivate their ability to analyze and solve problems. Thirdly, they prepared polysaccharide samples by salt-alcohol-precipitation method and Sevage method respectively, calculated the yield, characterized the samples by infrared spectra and ultraviolet spectra, and investigated the influence of different preparation methods on visco-elasticity and displacement effect of polysaccharides. This process helped students to establish their multidisciplinary knowledge system of “biology-chemical engineering-energy” and improved their experimental practice ability. Finally, the students carried out data analysis, program evaluation and achievement roadshow to train their scientific research ability.

Key words: task-driving model, exopolysaccharides, preparation methods, visco-elasticity, comprehensive experiment

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