
• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 云南师范大学 生命科学学院 云南省高校西南山地生态系统动植物生态适应进化及保护重点实验室, 昆明 650500; 2. 昆明市海口林场, 昆明 650000
  • 出版日期:2017-02-18 发布日期:2017-02-18
  • 通讯作者: 王政昆,教授,研究方向为动物生理生态,E-mail: wzk_930@126.co
  • 作者简介:朱万龙,副教授,研究方向为动物生理生态,E-mail: zwl_8307@163.com
  • 基金资助:
    国家国际科技合作项目(No. 2014DFR31040) ;十二五国家支撑计划(No. 2014BAI01B00);国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. 31360096)

Effetcs of hypothalamic neuropeptides expression on body mass regulation under different photoperiods in Tupaia belangeri

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Ecological Adaptive Evolution and Conservation on Animals-Plants in Southwest Mountain Ecosystem of Yunnan Province Higher Institutes College, School of Life Sciences, Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500; 2. Kunming Haikou Forest Farm, Kunming 650000, China
  • Online:2017-02-18 Published:2017-02-18

摘要: 为了研究光照对下丘脑神经肽中神经肽Y(Neuropeptide Y,NPY)、刺鼠相关蛋白(Agouti Aelated Peptide,AgRP)、阿片促黑色素原(Pro-opiomelanocortin,POMC)和可卡因-安他非明转录调节肽(Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript peptide,CART)表达量在中缅树鼩体重调节中的作用,对中缅树鼩的体重、体脂、食物摄入量、瘦素含量和下丘脑神经肽表达量进行测定。结果表明:短光增加中缅树鼩的体重和体脂,增加食物摄入量。光照不影响中缅树鼩瘦素含量,但瘦素含量与脂肪含量呈正相关关系。下丘脑神经肽基因NPY差异显著,而AgRP、POMC和CART表达量差异不显著。以上结果表明短光可以增加中缅树鼩的体重和体脂,增加摄入量。瘦素通过调节NPY表达量来调节中缅树鼩的体重调节。

关键词: 中缅树鼩, 下丘脑, 神经肽, 血清瘦素

Abstract: In order to investigate the role of Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Agouti Aelated Peptide (AgRP), Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), Cocaine and Amphetamine Regulated Transcript (CART) peptide expression in hypothalamic neuropeptide in body mass regulation in Tupaia belangeri under different photoperiods, body mass, body fat mass, food intake, serum leptin levels and hypothalamic neuropeptide expression were measured. It showed that short photoperiod increased body mass and body fat mass, and increased food intake. But serum leptin levels showed no significant differences between two groups, and leptin levels showed a positive correlation with body fat mass. Hypothalamic neuropeptide NPY had significant difference, but AgRP, POMC and CART expression had not significant differences between two groups. All of the results suggested that short photoperiod can increase the body mass, body fat mass and food intake. Leptin may play an regulation on body mass regulation by acting on hypothalamic neuropeptide of NPY expression in T. belangeri.

Key words: Tupaia belangeri, hypothalamus, neuropeptide, serum leptin levels